Table 2

Clinical signs and symptoms of moderate and severe DS

Clinical signs and symptomsFrequency of the different clinical signs and symptoms according to the type of DS
Moderate DS (n = 90), no. (%)Severe DS (n = 93), no. (%)P*Early severe DS (n = 43), no. (%)Late severe DS (n = 43), no. (%)P
Dyspnea 53 (59) 88 (95) <.001 48 (96) 40 (93) .53 
Pulmonary infiltrates per X-ray 34 (38) 75 (81) <.001 43 (86) 32 (74) .16 
Edema 48 (53) 75 (81) .001 42 (84) 33 (77) .38 
Unexplained fever 48 (53) 69 (74) .003 34 (68) 35 (81) .14 
Weight gain of more than 5 kg 34 (38) 63 (68) <.001 37 (80) 26 (67) .15 
Pleural effusion 24 (27) 54 (58) <.001 32 (64) 22 (51) .21 
Renal failure 8 (9) 43 (46) <.001 19 (40) 24 (57) .12 
Hypotension 11 (12) 36 (39) <.001 13 (26) 23 (53) .007 
Pericardial effusion 10 (11) 21 (23) .04 8 (16) 13 (30) .10 
Clinical signs and symptomsFrequency of the different clinical signs and symptoms according to the type of DS
Moderate DS (n = 90), no. (%)Severe DS (n = 93), no. (%)P*Early severe DS (n = 43), no. (%)Late severe DS (n = 43), no. (%)P
Dyspnea 53 (59) 88 (95) <.001 48 (96) 40 (93) .53 
Pulmonary infiltrates per X-ray 34 (38) 75 (81) <.001 43 (86) 32 (74) .16 
Edema 48 (53) 75 (81) .001 42 (84) 33 (77) .38 
Unexplained fever 48 (53) 69 (74) .003 34 (68) 35 (81) .14 
Weight gain of more than 5 kg 34 (38) 63 (68) <.001 37 (80) 26 (67) .15 
Pleural effusion 24 (27) 54 (58) <.001 32 (64) 22 (51) .21 
Renal failure 8 (9) 43 (46) <.001 19 (40) 24 (57) .12 
Hypotension 11 (12) 36 (39) <.001 13 (26) 23 (53) .007 
Pericardial effusion 10 (11) 21 (23) .04 8 (16) 13 (30) .10 

P value comparing severe DS versus moderate DS.

P value comparing early severe DS versus late severe DS.

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