Table 3

Predictive model for chemotherapy-associated VTE

Patient characteristicRisk score
Site of cancer 
    Very high risk (stomach, pancreas) 
    High risk (lung, lymphoma, gynecologic, bladder, testicular) 
Prechemotherapy platelet count 350 × 109/L or more 
Hemoglobin level less than 100 g/L or use of red cell growth factors 
Prechemotherapy leukocyte count more than 11 × 109/L 
BMI 35 kg/m2 or more 
Patient characteristicRisk score
Site of cancer 
    Very high risk (stomach, pancreas) 
    High risk (lung, lymphoma, gynecologic, bladder, testicular) 
Prechemotherapy platelet count 350 × 109/L or more 
Hemoglobin level less than 100 g/L or use of red cell growth factors 
Prechemotherapy leukocyte count more than 11 × 109/L 
BMI 35 kg/m2 or more 
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