Table 2.

PCR and sequence analysis of the rearranged IgH gene of KSHV-positive foci in case 1

KSHV-positive fociNo. of clonesClones with identical VH and CDR3Mutation in VH
Focus 1 12 4  (DP77) 5R, 3s  
  7  (DP88) 2R, 2s  
  1  (Yac7) 4R  
Focus 2 3  (DP58) 2R  
  1  (DP63) 4R, 2s 
KSHV-positive fociNo. of clonesClones with identical VH and CDR3Mutation in VH
Focus 1 12 4  (DP77) 5R, 3s  
  7  (DP88) 2R, 2s  
  1  (Yac7) 4R  
Focus 2 3  (DP58) 2R  
  1  (DP63) 4R, 2s 

R indicates replacement mutation; s, silent mutation.

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