Table 1.

International PCNSL Collaborative Group Consensus Guidelines for the Assessment of Response in PCNSL

ResponseBrain imagingSteroid doseOphthalmologic examinationCSF cytology
Complete response No contrast enhancing disease None Normal Negative 
Unconfirmed complete response No contrast enhancing disease Any Normal Negative 
Minimal enhancing disease Any Minor RPE abnormality Negative 
Partial response 50% decrease in enhancement NA Normal or minor RPE abnormality Negative 
No contrast-enhancing disease NA Decrease in vitreous cells or retinal infiltrate Persistent or suspicious 
Progressive disease 25% increase in enhancing disease NA Recurrent or new disease Recurrent or positive 
Any new site of disease 
Stable disease All scenarios not covered by responses above    
ResponseBrain imagingSteroid doseOphthalmologic examinationCSF cytology
Complete response No contrast enhancing disease None Normal Negative 
Unconfirmed complete response No contrast enhancing disease Any Normal Negative 
Minimal enhancing disease Any Minor RPE abnormality Negative 
Partial response 50% decrease in enhancement NA Normal or minor RPE abnormality Negative 
No contrast-enhancing disease NA Decrease in vitreous cells or retinal infiltrate Persistent or suspicious 
Progressive disease 25% increase in enhancing disease NA Recurrent or new disease Recurrent or positive 
Any new site of disease 
Stable disease All scenarios not covered by responses above    
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