Table 3.

Transplant outcomes of the entire cohort and according to the number of donor-related risk factors

Outcome Overall % (95% CI)
Acute GVHD  
Grade 2-4 28 (26-30) 
Grade 3-4 11 (10-12) 
Chronic GVHD  
Overall 33 (31-35) 
Extensive 14 (12-15) 
NRM 22 (20-24) 
RI 26 (24-28) 
LFS 52 (50-55) 
OS 57 (55-60) 
GRFS 41 (39-43) 
Outcome Overall % (95% CI)
Acute GVHD  
Grade 2-4 28 (26-30) 
Grade 3-4 11 (10-12) 
Chronic GVHD  
Overall 33 (31-35) 
Extensive 14 (12-15) 
NRM 22 (20-24) 
RI 26 (24-28) 
LFS 52 (50-55) 
OS 57 (55-60) 
GRFS 41 (39-43) 

RI, relapse incidence.

Acute GVHD: 180-day cumulative incidence; cGvHD, NRM, and RI: cumulative incidence at 2 years; LFS, OS, and GRFS: survival probability at 2 years.

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