Table 2.

Donor characteristics

Haplo donors
Age in y, median (range) 37 (8-71) 
Group age, n (%)  
<40 1304 (59.3) 
≥40 896 (40.7) 
Gender, n (%)  
Male 1380 (62.7) 
Female 820 (37.3) 
Donor/recipient gender combination, n (%)  
Donor female to male recipient 458 (20.8) 
Other 1742 (79.2) 
CMV serologic status, n (%)  
Negative 948 (43.1) 
Positive 1252 (56.9) 
Stem cell source, n (%)  
PB 1631 (74.1) 
BM 569 (25.9) 
Donor/recipient HLA mismatch, n (%)  
2-3/8 562 (25.5) 
≥ 4/8 1638 (74.5) 
Haplo donors
Age in y, median (range) 37 (8-71) 
Group age, n (%)  
<40 1304 (59.3) 
≥40 896 (40.7) 
Gender, n (%)  
Male 1380 (62.7) 
Female 820 (37.3) 
Donor/recipient gender combination, n (%)  
Donor female to male recipient 458 (20.8) 
Other 1742 (79.2) 
CMV serologic status, n (%)  
Negative 948 (43.1) 
Positive 1252 (56.9) 
Stem cell source, n (%)  
PB 1631 (74.1) 
BM 569 (25.9) 
Donor/recipient HLA mismatch, n (%)  
2-3/8 562 (25.5) 
≥ 4/8 1638 (74.5) 
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