Table 1.

Characteristics of survivors of HL and community controls

N = 204
N = 205
P value
n (%)n (%)
Male 97 (47.5) 99 (48.3) 0.88 
Female 107 (52.5) 106 (51.7)  
White 172 (84.3) 176 (85.9) 0.66 
Other 32 (15.7) 29 (14.1)  
Smoking Status    
Current 39 (19.1) 29 (14.3) 0.37 
Former 35 (17.2) 41 (20.2)  
Never 130 (63.7) 133 (65.5)  
Body mass index    
Underweight 7 (3.4) 3 (1.5) 0.23 
Normal weight 51 (25.0) 62 (30.2)  
Overweight 73 (35.8) 60 (29.3)  
Obese 73 (35.8) 80 (39.0)  
Age at assessment (y) Mean (SD)   
 36.6 (8.01) 36.7 (9.17) 0.84 
 Median (min-max)   
Age at diagnosis (y) 14.7 (3.0-22.6)   
Time since diagnosis (y) 20.6 (10.7-45.6)   
Anthracyclines (n = 156) mg/m2 157.2 (91.0-400.0)    
IV methotrexate (n = 85) mg/m2 123.2 (20.3-167.7)   
Bleomycin (n = 58) mg/m2 35.6 (5.0-95.0)   
Corticosteroids (n = 140) mg/m2 2240 (250-4480)   
Vincristine (n=182) mg/m2 45.9 (9.2-151.2)   
Cyclophosphamides (n=113) mg/m2 3655 (1332-22 889)    
Chest Radiation (n=204) Gy 26.0 (15.0-45.0)   
Neck Radiation (n=204) Gy 26.0 (15.0-51.0)   
 N (%)   
Relapsed 14 (6.9)   
Diagnosed with second malignancy 48 (24.0)   
N = 204
N = 205
P value
n (%)n (%)
Male 97 (47.5) 99 (48.3) 0.88 
Female 107 (52.5) 106 (51.7)  
White 172 (84.3) 176 (85.9) 0.66 
Other 32 (15.7) 29 (14.1)  
Smoking Status    
Current 39 (19.1) 29 (14.3) 0.37 
Former 35 (17.2) 41 (20.2)  
Never 130 (63.7) 133 (65.5)  
Body mass index    
Underweight 7 (3.4) 3 (1.5) 0.23 
Normal weight 51 (25.0) 62 (30.2)  
Overweight 73 (35.8) 60 (29.3)  
Obese 73 (35.8) 80 (39.0)  
Age at assessment (y) Mean (SD)   
 36.6 (8.01) 36.7 (9.17) 0.84 
 Median (min-max)   
Age at diagnosis (y) 14.7 (3.0-22.6)   
Time since diagnosis (y) 20.6 (10.7-45.6)   
Anthracyclines (n = 156) mg/m2 157.2 (91.0-400.0)    
IV methotrexate (n = 85) mg/m2 123.2 (20.3-167.7)   
Bleomycin (n = 58) mg/m2 35.6 (5.0-95.0)   
Corticosteroids (n = 140) mg/m2 2240 (250-4480)   
Vincristine (n=182) mg/m2 45.9 (9.2-151.2)   
Cyclophosphamides (n=113) mg/m2 3655 (1332-22 889)    
Chest Radiation (n=204) Gy 26.0 (15.0-45.0)   
Neck Radiation (n=204) Gy 26.0 (15.0-51.0)   
 N (%)   
Relapsed 14 (6.9)   
Diagnosed with second malignancy 48 (24.0)   

Max, maximum; min, minimum; SD, standard deviation.

Anthracycline equivalent dose.

Cyclophosphamide equivalent dose.

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