Table 3.

Response duration

Duration of response Phase 2 and Exp (n = 29)Phase 1b (n = 7)
Response duration   
No. of events 19 
Median (95% CI) 11.1 (5.6-41.4) 14.6 (0.5-NE) 
% without event at 6 months (95% CI) 69 (49-82) 57 (17-84) 
% without event at 24 months (95% CI) 38 (21-55) 43 (10-73) 
Median follow-up (range) 34.2 (19.6-47.8) 45.7 (43.1-52.3) 
Duration of response Phase 2 and Exp (n = 29)Phase 1b (n = 7)
Response duration   
No. of events 19 
Median (95% CI) 11.1 (5.6-41.4) 14.6 (0.5-NE) 
% without event at 6 months (95% CI) 69 (49-82) 57 (17-84) 
% without event at 24 months (95% CI) 38 (21-55) 43 (10-73) 
Median follow-up (range) 34.2 (19.6-47.8) 45.7 (43.1-52.3) 

Duration of response was calculated from the time of first response (CR/CRi) to progression or death, whichever occurred first; patients without event were censored at the time of last follow-up.

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