Table 1.

Baseline demographics and disease characteristics

CharacteristicParticipant 1Participant 2Participant 3
Age at enrollment (y) 43 50 47 
Weight (kg) 89 81 82 
HIV status Nonreactive Reactive (controlled) Reactive (controlled) 
HBV status Negative Negative Negative 
HCV status Resolved Resolved Resolved 
Baseline FIX activity levels (%) <1 <1 
Prescreening FIX treatment Prophylaxis (EHL) Prophylaxis (EHL) Prophylaxis (EHL) 
ABR 1 y before screening  
Anti-AAV5 NAb status at screening (titer),  Positive (48) Positive (44) Positive (25) 
Anti-AAV5 NAb status at day of dosing (titer),  Positive (22) Positive (33) Positive (20) 
CharacteristicParticipant 1Participant 2Participant 3
Age at enrollment (y) 43 50 47 
Weight (kg) 89 81 82 
HIV status Nonreactive Reactive (controlled) Reactive (controlled) 
HBV status Negative Negative Negative 
HCV status Resolved Resolved Resolved 
Baseline FIX activity levels (%) <1 <1 
Prescreening FIX treatment Prophylaxis (EHL) Prophylaxis (EHL) Prophylaxis (EHL) 
ABR 1 y before screening  
Anti-AAV5 NAb status at screening (titer),  Positive (48) Positive (44) Positive (25) 
Anti-AAV5 NAb status at day of dosing (titer),  Positive (22) Positive (33) Positive (20) 

Participants 2 and 3 were previously excluded from another AAV-based gene therapy trial for hemophilia B based on anti-AAV NAb titer.

ABR, annualized bleeding rate; EHL, extended half-life; HBV, hepatitis B virus; HCV, hepatitis C virus.

Total bleeds (treated + untreated).

AAV5 NAb data considered positive if titer was ≥2.

Luciferase cell-based assay.

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