Table 2.

Baseline characteristics of the study population

CharacteristicMedian (range) or N (%)
Age, y 23 y (14-49) 
>29 22 (23.2%) 
14-24 55 (57.8%) 
25-39 35 (36.8%) 
>39 5 (5.2%) 
Female/male 39 (41.1%)/56 (58.9%) 
Overweight/obesity  33 (34.7%)/11 (11.6%) 
Leukemia phenotype B cell: 88 (92.6%)/T cell: 7 (7.4%) 
CD20+ 36 of 68 (52%) 
White blood cell count (× 109/μL) 20.0 (0.29-427.7) 
Hyperleukocytosis 38 (40.9%) 
CNS disease at diagnosis 2 (2.1%) 
Normal 81 (72.6%) 
High risk 14 (14.8%) 
CharacteristicMedian (range) or N (%)
Age, y 23 y (14-49) 
>29 22 (23.2%) 
14-24 55 (57.8%) 
25-39 35 (36.8%) 
>39 5 (5.2%) 
Female/male 39 (41.1%)/56 (58.9%) 
Overweight/obesity  33 (34.7%)/11 (11.6%) 
Leukemia phenotype B cell: 88 (92.6%)/T cell: 7 (7.4%) 
CD20+ 36 of 68 (52%) 
White blood cell count (× 109/μL) 20.0 (0.29-427.7) 
Hyperleukocytosis 38 (40.9%) 
CNS disease at diagnosis 2 (2.1%) 
Normal 81 (72.6%) 
High risk 14 (14.8%) 

Overweight is a body mass index ≥25 kg/m2; obesity is a body mass index ≥30 kg/m2.

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