Table 3.

Summary of key findings


For associations of BRAFV600E, BRAFV600E+ (n = 191) vs BRAFV600E (n = 186) patients were compared. For associations of MAP2K1 or BRAF exon 12 mutations, assignment is based on the statistical comparison of patients with MAP2K1 mutations (n = 54) or BRAF exon 12 mutations (n = 39) with patients with BRAFV600E, respectively. Associations of MAP2K1 or BRAF exon 12 mutations required (1) a difference with patients with BRAFV600E resulting in a Fisher exact test P < .05 (for potential associations) or P < 0.00125 (for significant associations) and (2) a difference between patients with MAP2K1 and BRAF exon 12 mutations resulting in a Fisher exact test P < .05.

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