Table 2.

Response rates in the efficacy-evaluable population

Response ratesEfficacy-evaluable population (n = 147)
CR or CRh  
n (%) [95% CI] 51 (35) [27.0-43.0] 
Median time to CR/CRh, mo (range) 1.9 (0.9-5.6) 
n (%) [95% CI] 47 (32) [24.5-40.2] 
Median time to CR, months (range) 2.8 (0.9-7.4) 
Overall response  
N (%) [95% CI] 71 (48) [40.0-56.7] 
Median time to first overall response, mo (range) 1.9 (0.9-10.2) 
Best overall response, n (%)  
CR  47 (32) 
CRh 4 (3) 
CRi 15 (10) 
PR 3 (2) 
MLFS 2 (1) 
SD  42 (29) 
Progressive disease 10 (7) 
Not evaluable/not done 6 (4) / 18 (12) 
Response ratesEfficacy-evaluable population (n = 147)
CR or CRh  
n (%) [95% CI] 51 (35) [27.0-43.0] 
Median time to CR/CRh, mo (range) 1.9 (0.9-5.6) 
n (%) [95% CI] 47 (32) [24.5-40.2] 
Median time to CR, months (range) 2.8 (0.9-7.4) 
Overall response  
N (%) [95% CI] 71 (48) [40.0-56.7] 
Median time to first overall response, mo (range) 1.9 (0.9-10.2) 
Best overall response, n (%)  
CR  47 (32) 
CRh 4 (3) 
CRi 15 (10) 
PR 3 (2) 
MLFS 2 (1) 
SD  42 (29) 
Progressive disease 10 (7) 
Not evaluable/not done 6 (4) / 18 (12) 

CRi, CR with incomplete blood count recovery; PR, partial remission; SD, stable disease (failure to achieve at least a PR but not meeting criteria for progressive disease. SD for a period of ≥8 weeks indicates clinical benefit).

Includes patients with CR, complete cytogenetic remission, and complete molecular remission.

Includes 3 patients considered to have clinical benefit by the treating physician and 2 patients considered to have resistant but stable disease.

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