Table 1.

Patient demographic and baseline disease characteristics in the efficacy-evaluable population

ParameterEfficacy-evaluable population (n = 147)
Sex, n (%)  
Male/female 74 (50)/73 (50) 
Age (y)  
Median (range) 71 (32-87) 
ECOG PS, n (%)  
45 (31) 
76 (52) 
23 (16) 
AML type, n (%)  
Primary de novo 97 (66) 
Secondary: 50 (34) 
MDS 39 (78) 
Therapy related 4 (8) 
Other  7 (14) 
AML cytogenetic risk category (per either NCCN or ELN guidelines), n (%)  
Favorable 6 (4) 
Intermediate 107 (73) 
Poor 25 (17) 
Unknown 9 (6) 
Prior AML therapy outcome, n (%)  
Refractory 51 (35) 
Relapsed 96 (65) 
Remission duration ≤12 months 67 (70) 
Remission duration >12 months 29 (30) 
Number of priorregimens  
Median (range) 2 (1-7) 
1 regimen, n (%) 48 (33) 
2 regimens, n (%) 45 (31) 
≥3 regimens, n (%) 54 (37) 
Prior treatments received, n (%)  
Induction therapy§  143 (97) 
Cytarabine 105 (71) 
Idarubicin 64 (44) 
Daunorubicin 31 (21) 
Fludarabine 25 (17) 
Hypomethylating agent 58 (39) 
As a single agent 21 (14) 
In combination with venetoclax 8 (5) 
Gemtuzumab based combinations 11 (7) 
Venetoclax 12 (8) 
Allogeneic HSCT 17 (12) 
Hematologic laboratory parameters, median (range)  
Percentage of bone marrow blasts 42 (4-98) 
Percentage of peripheral blood blasts 22.5 (1-96) 
White blood cells ×109/L 2 (0.1-75) 
Absolute neutrophil count ×109/L 0.35 (0-5.3) 
Renal function (creatinine clearance), n (%)  
Normal (≥90 mL/min) 60 (41) 
Mildly impaired (60-89 mL/min) 66 (45) 
Moderately impaired (30-59 mL/min) 21 (14) 
Severely impaired (15-29 mL/min) 
IDH1mutation type (as determined by investigator), n (%)  
R132C 90 (61) 
R132H 34 (23) 
R132G 10 (7) 
R132S 10 (7) 
R132L 3 (2) 
Number of co-occurring mutations, n (%)   
1 to 3 91 (62) 
4 to 7 19 (13) 
None 4 (3) 
Not done/unknown 33 (22) 
Co-occurring mutations in >5% patients, n (%)   
Epigenetic 80 (54) 
DNMT3A 67 (46) 
TET2 22 (15) 
Differentiation 62 (42) 
NPM1 31 (21) 
RUNX1 20 (14) 
PHF6 8 (5) 
RTK pathways 58 (40) 
FLT3 15 (10) 
NRAS 14 (10) 
JAK2 12 (8) 
Chromatin 50 (34) 
ASXL1 23 (16) 
STAG2 12 (8) 
BCOR 12 (8) 
Splicing 43 (29) 
SRSF2 25 (17) 
U2AF1 10 (7) 
Other 15 (10) 
TP53 9 (6) 
ParameterEfficacy-evaluable population (n = 147)
Sex, n (%)  
Male/female 74 (50)/73 (50) 
Age (y)  
Median (range) 71 (32-87) 
ECOG PS, n (%)  
45 (31) 
76 (52) 
23 (16) 
AML type, n (%)  
Primary de novo 97 (66) 
Secondary: 50 (34) 
MDS 39 (78) 
Therapy related 4 (8) 
Other  7 (14) 
AML cytogenetic risk category (per either NCCN or ELN guidelines), n (%)  
Favorable 6 (4) 
Intermediate 107 (73) 
Poor 25 (17) 
Unknown 9 (6) 
Prior AML therapy outcome, n (%)  
Refractory 51 (35) 
Relapsed 96 (65) 
Remission duration ≤12 months 67 (70) 
Remission duration >12 months 29 (30) 
Number of priorregimens  
Median (range) 2 (1-7) 
1 regimen, n (%) 48 (33) 
2 regimens, n (%) 45 (31) 
≥3 regimens, n (%) 54 (37) 
Prior treatments received, n (%)  
Induction therapy§  143 (97) 
Cytarabine 105 (71) 
Idarubicin 64 (44) 
Daunorubicin 31 (21) 
Fludarabine 25 (17) 
Hypomethylating agent 58 (39) 
As a single agent 21 (14) 
In combination with venetoclax 8 (5) 
Gemtuzumab based combinations 11 (7) 
Venetoclax 12 (8) 
Allogeneic HSCT 17 (12) 
Hematologic laboratory parameters, median (range)  
Percentage of bone marrow blasts 42 (4-98) 
Percentage of peripheral blood blasts 22.5 (1-96) 
White blood cells ×109/L 2 (0.1-75) 
Absolute neutrophil count ×109/L 0.35 (0-5.3) 
Renal function (creatinine clearance), n (%)  
Normal (≥90 mL/min) 60 (41) 
Mildly impaired (60-89 mL/min) 66 (45) 
Moderately impaired (30-59 mL/min) 21 (14) 
Severely impaired (15-29 mL/min) 
IDH1mutation type (as determined by investigator), n (%)  
R132C 90 (61) 
R132H 34 (23) 
R132G 10 (7) 
R132S 10 (7) 
R132L 3 (2) 
Number of co-occurring mutations, n (%)   
1 to 3 91 (62) 
4 to 7 19 (13) 
None 4 (3) 
Not done/unknown 33 (22) 
Co-occurring mutations in >5% patients, n (%)   
Epigenetic 80 (54) 
DNMT3A 67 (46) 
TET2 22 (15) 
Differentiation 62 (42) 
NPM1 31 (21) 
RUNX1 20 (14) 
PHF6 8 (5) 
RTK pathways 58 (40) 
FLT3 15 (10) 
NRAS 14 (10) 
JAK2 12 (8) 
Chromatin 50 (34) 
ASXL1 23 (16) 
STAG2 12 (8) 
BCOR 12 (8) 
Splicing 43 (29) 
SRSF2 25 (17) 
U2AF1 10 (7) 
Other 15 (10) 
TP53 9 (6) 

ECOG, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; ELN, European Leukemia Net; NCCN, National Comprehensive Cancer Network; PS, performance status; RTK, receptor tyrosine kinase.

Other secondary AML types were essential thrombocytopenia and myelofibrosis (each 2 patients; 1%) and chronic myelomonocytic leukemia myeloproliferative neoplasm and polycythemia vera (each 1 patient; 1%).

Data on the type of classification system of cytogenetic risk was used (either NCCN or ELN guidelines) were not collected.

Other prior antineoplastic agents received were lomustine (11 patients; 7%); mitoxantrone (9 patients; 6%); etoposide (5 patients; 3%); amsacrine (3 patients; 2%); cladribine, doxorubicin, durvalumab, melphalan, and midostaurin (each 2 patients; 1%); and alemtuzumab, cyclophosphamide, dinaciclib, enasidenib, glasdegib, hydroxycarbamide, idasanutlin, mercaptopurine, and methotrexate (each 1 patient; 1%).


Data on the specific induction regimen used were not collected.

Mutations apart from IDH1.

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