Table 7.

ATE, VTE, mortality, MB, and other postdischarge outcomes

n (%)
VTE 76 (1.55)* 
 DVT 44 (0.90) 
 PE 42 (0.85) 
 Splanchnic vein thrombosis 2 (0.04) 
 Other vein thrombosis 3 (0.06) 
Arterial thromboembolism 84 (1.71)* 
 Stroke 22 (0.45) 
 MI 24 (0.49) 
 Non-MI coronary revascularization 6 (0.12) 
 Major adverse limb event 26 (0.53) 
 Systemic embolism 16 (0.33) 
All-cause mortality 237 (4.83) 
MB 85 (1.73) 
Other outcomes  
 Rehospitalization 759 (15.5) 
 ICU admission 230 (4.69) 
 Heart failure exacerbation 63 (1.28) 
 Atrial fibrillation/flutter 22 (0.45) 
 Interstitial lung disease 26 (0.53) 
 Myocarditis 1 (0.02) 
 Acute respiratory distress syndrome 113 (2.3) 
n (%)
VTE 76 (1.55)* 
 DVT 44 (0.90) 
 PE 42 (0.85) 
 Splanchnic vein thrombosis 2 (0.04) 
 Other vein thrombosis 3 (0.06) 
Arterial thromboembolism 84 (1.71)* 
 Stroke 22 (0.45) 
 MI 24 (0.49) 
 Non-MI coronary revascularization 6 (0.12) 
 Major adverse limb event 26 (0.53) 
 Systemic embolism 16 (0.33) 
All-cause mortality 237 (4.83) 
MB 85 (1.73) 
Other outcomes  
 Rehospitalization 759 (15.5) 
 ICU admission 230 (4.69) 
 Heart failure exacerbation 63 (1.28) 
 Atrial fibrillation/flutter 22 (0.45) 
 Interstitial lung disease 26 (0.53) 
 Myocarditis 1 (0.02) 
 Acute respiratory distress syndrome 113 (2.3) 

Patients may have multiple events.

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