Table 2.

Current and new therapies for wAIHA secondary to CLL

TreatmentLineORR, %CommentsRef.
Prednisone: 1 mg/kg per day for 3-4 wk First 84-90 Response rates comparable with those reported for primary wAIHA, but relapse risk is higher 30,31  
Dexamethasone: 40 mg/d for 4 d, 2-6 cycles every 2-4 wk First 100 Response rates comparable with those reported for primary wAIHA, but relapse risk is higher 30,31  
Rituximab: 375 mg/m2 weekly for 4 wk Second or > 72-80 Single agent in patients with indolent CLL; if ineffective, CLL therapy should be pursued 32,33  
RCD Second or > 81-100 Small series of relapsed/refractory wAIHAs (17 patients) 34,35  
R-CVP Second or > 95 Small series of relapsed/refractory wAIHAs (17 patients) 36,37  
Rituximab + bendamustine Second or > 81 26 patients with progressive CLL, and active wAIHA 38  
Alemtuzumab: 30 mg × 3/wk for 4-12 wk Third or > 100 Small series of relapsed/refractory wAIHAs and progressive CLL (8 patients) 39,40  
Cyclosporine: 3-5 mg/kg per day Third or > 56 Small series of relapsed/refractory wAIHAs (16 patients) 41  
Splenectomy Third or > 69-78 Old reports and small series; splenectomy is currently discouraged 42  
Ofatumumab: Cycle 1: day 1, 300 mg; and day 8, 1000 mg; further cycles 1000 mg on day 1, monthly n/a n/a Case report 43  
Obinutuzumab: Cycle 1: day 1 100 mg; and day 2, 900 mg; further cycles 1000 mg on day 1, monthly n/a n/a Case report 44  
Ibrutinib: 420 mg/d n/a n/a Case reports: phase 2 trial ongoing 45,46  
Venetoclax: 200-400 mg/d n/a n/a Case reports 47  
TreatmentLineORR, %CommentsRef.
Prednisone: 1 mg/kg per day for 3-4 wk First 84-90 Response rates comparable with those reported for primary wAIHA, but relapse risk is higher 30,31  
Dexamethasone: 40 mg/d for 4 d, 2-6 cycles every 2-4 wk First 100 Response rates comparable with those reported for primary wAIHA, but relapse risk is higher 30,31  
Rituximab: 375 mg/m2 weekly for 4 wk Second or > 72-80 Single agent in patients with indolent CLL; if ineffective, CLL therapy should be pursued 32,33  
RCD Second or > 81-100 Small series of relapsed/refractory wAIHAs (17 patients) 34,35  
R-CVP Second or > 95 Small series of relapsed/refractory wAIHAs (17 patients) 36,37  
Rituximab + bendamustine Second or > 81 26 patients with progressive CLL, and active wAIHA 38  
Alemtuzumab: 30 mg × 3/wk for 4-12 wk Third or > 100 Small series of relapsed/refractory wAIHAs and progressive CLL (8 patients) 39,40  
Cyclosporine: 3-5 mg/kg per day Third or > 56 Small series of relapsed/refractory wAIHAs (16 patients) 41  
Splenectomy Third or > 69-78 Old reports and small series; splenectomy is currently discouraged 42  
Ofatumumab: Cycle 1: day 1, 300 mg; and day 8, 1000 mg; further cycles 1000 mg on day 1, monthly n/a n/a Case report 43  
Obinutuzumab: Cycle 1: day 1 100 mg; and day 2, 900 mg; further cycles 1000 mg on day 1, monthly n/a n/a Case report 44  
Ibrutinib: 420 mg/d n/a n/a Case reports: phase 2 trial ongoing 45,46  
Venetoclax: 200-400 mg/d n/a n/a Case reports 47  

n/a, not applicable; ORR, overall response rate; RCD, rituximab plus cyclophosphamide and dexamethasone; R-CVP, rituximab plus cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and prednisone.

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