Table 1.

Current treatments for wAIHA

TreatmentDose scheduleResponse rate, %Time to responseCommentsSide effects/consRef.
Predniso(lo)ne 1-2 mg/kg per day for 3-4 wk 80-90 (estimated cure rate in 20-30 only) 7-25 d Gradual tapering during a period no shorter than 4-6 mo Diabetes mellitus, hypertension, peptic ulcer, osteoporosis, adrenal suppression, myopathy, psychosis, delayed wound healing, insomnia, menstrual irregularity, weight gain 9,14,16  
    Steroid boluses may be used for acute severe forms (ie, methylprednisolone 250 mg IV daily for 3 d)   
IVIg 0.4 g/kg per day for 5 d 30-40 1-5 d Responses usually last for about 3 wk Infusion reactions particularly in patients with IgA deficiency, thromboembolic events, acute renal failure, increased serum viscosity 16,71  
    Advised in addition to steroids in critically ill patients, particularly during severe infections/sepsis   
Rituximab 375 mg/m2 per week for 4 wk ∼80 (relapse- free survival of ∼60 at 3 y) 3-6 wk Other schedules include: (a) low dose (100 mg weekly for 4 wk) in patients with nonsevere hemolytic anemia, and in the elderly Infusion reactions, late-onset neutropenia, hypogammaglobulinemia, reactivation of underlying infections (HBV, HCV, HIV, tuberculosis, etc) 10-12,18  
    (b) 1 g days 1 and 15, particularly in wAIHA associated with other autoimmune diseases Regarding HBV reactivation, lamivudine prophylaxis up to 18 mo is recommended for anti-HBc Ab and/or anti-HBs Ab+ patients (if not vaccinated)  
Splenectomy n/a ∼80 (curative rate 20-50) 7-10 d Discouraged for patients older than 65-70 y, with cardiopulmonary disorders, thrombotic risk, immunodeficiencies, lymphoproliferative diseases, and systemic autoimmune conditions Possible complications include serious infections (vaccinations warranted against Neisseria meningitidis ACWY and B type, pneumococcal, and Haemophilus influenzae type b; annual flu vaccine; variable schedules for 5 yearly boosters) and thrombotic events 16,20-23  
Azathioprine 2-4 mg/kg per day ∼60 (usually with steroids) 1-3 mo Advised as steroid-sparing agent in AIHAs secondary to systemic autoimmune conditions, inflammatory bowel diseases, and autoimmune hepatitis Myelotoxicity, particularly in case of thiopurine methyltransferase deficiency (start with 50 mg daily, and increase up to 150 mg in the absence of neutropenia), liver toxicity 16,27  
Cyclosporine 2.5 mg/kg, twice per day ∼60 1-3 mo Advised as steroid-sparing agent, particularly in AIHAs secondary to autoimmune conditions, Evans syndrome, and in case of features of BMF Kidney damage, hypertension, infections, nausea, excessive hair growth 16,24  
Cyclo-phosphamide 50-100 mg per day or 800 mg/m2 IV monthly for 4-5 cycles 50-70 2-6 wk May be considered in cases of highly hemolytic disease, particularly if secondary to connective tissue disorders and lymphoproliferative diseases Myelosuppression, infections, urotoxicity, secondary malignancy, teratogenicity, infertility 3,16,25  
Mycophenolate 500 mg, twice per day 25-100 (small case series) 1-3 mo Mainly used in the pediatric setting Nausea, headache, diarrhea 26  
Danazol 200 mg, 3 times per day 20-50 1-3 mo Steroid-sparing properties Androgenic effects (to be avoided in men with prostatic adenoma or carcinoma), liver toxicity 60,61  
TreatmentDose scheduleResponse rate, %Time to responseCommentsSide effects/consRef.
Predniso(lo)ne 1-2 mg/kg per day for 3-4 wk 80-90 (estimated cure rate in 20-30 only) 7-25 d Gradual tapering during a period no shorter than 4-6 mo Diabetes mellitus, hypertension, peptic ulcer, osteoporosis, adrenal suppression, myopathy, psychosis, delayed wound healing, insomnia, menstrual irregularity, weight gain 9,14,16  
    Steroid boluses may be used for acute severe forms (ie, methylprednisolone 250 mg IV daily for 3 d)   
IVIg 0.4 g/kg per day for 5 d 30-40 1-5 d Responses usually last for about 3 wk Infusion reactions particularly in patients with IgA deficiency, thromboembolic events, acute renal failure, increased serum viscosity 16,71  
    Advised in addition to steroids in critically ill patients, particularly during severe infections/sepsis   
Rituximab 375 mg/m2 per week for 4 wk ∼80 (relapse- free survival of ∼60 at 3 y) 3-6 wk Other schedules include: (a) low dose (100 mg weekly for 4 wk) in patients with nonsevere hemolytic anemia, and in the elderly Infusion reactions, late-onset neutropenia, hypogammaglobulinemia, reactivation of underlying infections (HBV, HCV, HIV, tuberculosis, etc) 10-12,18  
    (b) 1 g days 1 and 15, particularly in wAIHA associated with other autoimmune diseases Regarding HBV reactivation, lamivudine prophylaxis up to 18 mo is recommended for anti-HBc Ab and/or anti-HBs Ab+ patients (if not vaccinated)  
Splenectomy n/a ∼80 (curative rate 20-50) 7-10 d Discouraged for patients older than 65-70 y, with cardiopulmonary disorders, thrombotic risk, immunodeficiencies, lymphoproliferative diseases, and systemic autoimmune conditions Possible complications include serious infections (vaccinations warranted against Neisseria meningitidis ACWY and B type, pneumococcal, and Haemophilus influenzae type b; annual flu vaccine; variable schedules for 5 yearly boosters) and thrombotic events 16,20-23  
Azathioprine 2-4 mg/kg per day ∼60 (usually with steroids) 1-3 mo Advised as steroid-sparing agent in AIHAs secondary to systemic autoimmune conditions, inflammatory bowel diseases, and autoimmune hepatitis Myelotoxicity, particularly in case of thiopurine methyltransferase deficiency (start with 50 mg daily, and increase up to 150 mg in the absence of neutropenia), liver toxicity 16,27  
Cyclosporine 2.5 mg/kg, twice per day ∼60 1-3 mo Advised as steroid-sparing agent, particularly in AIHAs secondary to autoimmune conditions, Evans syndrome, and in case of features of BMF Kidney damage, hypertension, infections, nausea, excessive hair growth 16,24  
Cyclo-phosphamide 50-100 mg per day or 800 mg/m2 IV monthly for 4-5 cycles 50-70 2-6 wk May be considered in cases of highly hemolytic disease, particularly if secondary to connective tissue disorders and lymphoproliferative diseases Myelosuppression, infections, urotoxicity, secondary malignancy, teratogenicity, infertility 3,16,25  
Mycophenolate 500 mg, twice per day 25-100 (small case series) 1-3 mo Mainly used in the pediatric setting Nausea, headache, diarrhea 26  
Danazol 200 mg, 3 times per day 20-50 1-3 mo Steroid-sparing properties Androgenic effects (to be avoided in men with prostatic adenoma or carcinoma), liver toxicity 60,61  

ACWY, serogroups A, C, W, and Y; n/a, not applicable; Ref., reference.

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