Table 1.

Clinical characteristics of nonsplenectomized adult ITP inpatients with and without CAP

CharacteristicDerivation cohort (n = 1505)Validation cohort (n = 589)Difference between derivation and validation cohorts, P
With CAP (n = 145)Without CAP (n = 1360)PWith CAP (n = 63)Without CAP (n = 526)P
Age at diagnosis of ITP, y   <.001   <.001 .571 
 ≥60, n (%) 72 (49.7) 402 (29.6)  28 (60.3) 140 (26.6)   
 Median 56.3 46.5  60.0 45.1   
Type of ITP, n (%)   .718   .148 <.001 
 Newly diagnosed 43 (29.7) 384 (28.2)  31 (49.2) 309 (58.7)   
 Persistent and chronic 102 (70.3) 976 (71.8)  32 (50.8) 217 (41.3)   
Male sex, n (%) 74 (51.0) 465 (34.2) <.001 32 (50.8) 213 (40.5) .117 .014 
CCI score   <.001   <.001 .991 
 ≥3, n (%) 39 (26.9) 63 (4.6)  25 (39.7) 15 (2.9)   
 Median (range) 1.3 (0-6) 0.6 (0-5)  1.5 (0-4) 0.3 (0-4)   
Initialplatelet count*   <.001   .070 <.001 
 <20 × 109/L, n (%) 82 (56.9) 446 (32.8)  49 (79.0) 77 (67.8)   
 Median 24.8 38.0  14.4 15.7   
Initial ALC   <.001   <.001 .063 
 <1 × 109/L, n (%) 89 (66.4) 199 (16.3)  46 (74.2) 83 (18.5)   
 Median 1.1 2.7  1.1 1.8   
CharacteristicDerivation cohort (n = 1505)Validation cohort (n = 589)Difference between derivation and validation cohorts, P
With CAP (n = 145)Without CAP (n = 1360)PWith CAP (n = 63)Without CAP (n = 526)P
Age at diagnosis of ITP, y   <.001   <.001 .571 
 ≥60, n (%) 72 (49.7) 402 (29.6)  28 (60.3) 140 (26.6)   
 Median 56.3 46.5  60.0 45.1   
Type of ITP, n (%)   .718   .148 <.001 
 Newly diagnosed 43 (29.7) 384 (28.2)  31 (49.2) 309 (58.7)   
 Persistent and chronic 102 (70.3) 976 (71.8)  32 (50.8) 217 (41.3)   
Male sex, n (%) 74 (51.0) 465 (34.2) <.001 32 (50.8) 213 (40.5) .117 .014 
CCI score   <.001   <.001 .991 
 ≥3, n (%) 39 (26.9) 63 (4.6)  25 (39.7) 15 (2.9)   
 Median (range) 1.3 (0-6) 0.6 (0-5)  1.5 (0-4) 0.3 (0-4)   
Initialplatelet count*   <.001   .070 <.001 
 <20 × 109/L, n (%) 82 (56.9) 446 (32.8)  49 (79.0) 77 (67.8)   
 Median 24.8 38.0  14.4 15.7   
Initial ALC   <.001   <.001 .063 
 <1 × 109/L, n (%) 89 (66.4) 199 (16.3)  46 (74.2) 83 (18.5)   
 Median 1.1 2.7  1.1 1.8   

Fifteen patients (derivation cohort, 3; validation cohort, 12) had no records of initial platelet count.

A total of 226 patients (derivation cohort, 148; validation cohort, 78) had no records of initial ALC.

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