• Knockout of intestinal DMT1 in βTI mice caused a pathophysiological shift from iron overload to iron depletion with exacerbated anemia.

  • Peroral administration of NP-siRNA complexes daily for 16 days repressed intestinal DMT1 and mitigated iron loading in Hbbth3/+ mice.

β-thalassemia is an iron-loading anemia caused by homozygous mutation of the hemoglobin subunit β (HBB) gene. In β-thalassemia intermedia (βTI), a non-transfusion-dependent form of the disease, iron overload is caused by excessive absorption of dietary iron due to inappropriately low production of the iron-regulatory hormone hepcidin. Low hepcidin stabilizes the iron exporter ferroportin (FPN) on the basolateral membrane of enterocytes. High FPN activity may deplete intracellular iron and enhance expression of the predominant iron importer divalent metal-ion transporter 1 (DMT1). In mice, DMT1 mediates normal iron absorption under physiological conditions and excessive iron absorption in pathological iron overload (e.g., hereditary hemochromatosis). Here, we hypothesized that DMT1 drives elevated iron absorption in βTI. Accordingly, we crossed Hbbth3/+ mice, a pre-clinical model of βTI, with intestine-specific DMT1 KO mice. Ablation of intestinal DMT1 in Hbbth3/+ mice caused a pathophysiological shift from iron overload to an iron-deficiency phenotype with exacerbated anemia. DMT1 is thus required for iron absorption and iron loading in Hbbth3/+ mice. Based upon these outcomes, we further logically postulated that in vivo knockdown of intestinal DMT1 would mitigate iron loading in Hbbth3/+ mice. Ginger-derived, lipid nanoparticles carrying DMT1-specific (or control) siRNAs were administered by oral, intragastric gavage to 4-week-old Hbbth3/+ mice daily for 16 days. siRNA treatment reduced DMT1 expression by >80% and blunted iron loading, as indicated by significant reductions in liver iron and serum ferritin (which reflect body iron stores). These notable experimental outcomes establish intestinal DMT1 as a plausible therapeutic target to mitigate iron overload in βTI.

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